A piece of furniture is one of the most valuable investments you can make, so it's important to avoid common furniture decorating mistakes.

Mistake #1

Not Planning Out Your Room

Consider your lifestyle as well as the size of the room. To avoid mistakes, map out your room on graph paper.

Mistake #2

Not Having a Focal Point

Decorators know that a focal point in the room is necessary to create a sense of balance and harmony. There should be something that draws your immediate attention.

Mistake #3

Not Clearing Clutter

Clutter removal is essential for creating an appealing and well-organized space. Get rid of what unnecessary items and plan enough storage space to make things easier.

Mistake #4

Placed Furniture Against the Wall

Moving the furniture away from the walls makes the conversation area more intimate and improves the sense of balance.  

Mistake #5

Buying Cheap Wood Furniture

Avoid buying cheap wood furniture instead buying solid wood furniture it looks great & hold up for decades.

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